Ord Apparel

Located in Spring Hill, Tennessee


This is the actual “About Me”

If you read my previous “About”, Thank you! If you read the whole thing and didn't really learn about me, I’m sorry. I’m going to try this again.

The previous Bio was about the journey. It wasn't “About Me” on this journey. Those of you who know me, understand that the real struggle I have is with sharing myself on the internet, “The Facebook”, and Instagram. Those that know me best thought that their social media accounts were being hacked because there was NO WAY that Anne Howard would be friend requesting them! All in one day, I launched an e-commerce business, joined the social media universe and felt an overwhelming sense of excitement and fear all at the same time.

I am a no-makeup wearing wife to a terrific man and a mom to four amazing little human beings (twins included: that I so bravely birthed on the side of the highway(lol). I rarely dress up. Jeans sit in the bottom of my dresser drawer for weeks before I reach for them again. I am a gym rat, a trail runner, and a bike rider. I love to spend my workout days (and non-workout days) in clothes that feel comfortable. I love a casual top that doesn't hug my tummy and show the world that I once carried my twins full-term.

Ord Apparel was created so that I can bring the people of our community and this world clothes that represent a little part of who they are and also feel comfortable and cozy! I want to provide you with a piece of apparel that you love wearing so much that you’ll want to throw it in the wash that night so you can wear it again the next day! And I love that our pieces are casual with a unique design that you can incorporate into everyday life.

The brand name, Ord Apparel, was born from a life chapter. When my husband and I were newly weds, we began our marriage journey in Monterey, California where he was stationed as an Airforce Airman. Our home was located on Fort Ord. It was an old small rundown duplex (probably built in the 1940’s or 1950’s). We were young, far from everyone we knew, in-love, living paycheck to paycheck, and happy as clams! It was one of the best chapters in both of our lives and it felt perfect to choose Ord Apparel as the brand name in honor of that chapter.

So without further ado, my hope is that you take this journey with me and that Ord Apparel can continue to provide you with flattering, comfortable, and fun apparel that you will fall in love with!

Thank you for visiting my website!!! And for being even a little curious about Ord Apparel. Here is my final message to you:

Be brave. Be strong. Reach for the courage waiting to be grabbed! Try not to cry too much. Laugh at yourself a lot because mistakes will surely be made along the way. Be kind. Give Back. Serve. Show gratitude. Trust others. Give it your all. And don't give up. Don't give up. Don't give up.

Much Love,

Ord Apparel Founder and Creator,

Anne Howard